Michael Kalish is a Los Angeles-based contemporary artist & sculptor whose works have captured the hearts of collectors and art lovers nationwide with his ability to have his art tell a true story.
Like no other American artist of his time, Michael Kalish is recognized for inventing an entirely new genre, winning international acclaim, and setting his expectations-defying career into motion.
Michael's sculptures are featured in the collections of world leaders, fortune 100 companies, past Presidents, professional athletes, and musicians.
His unique position as a preeminent arbiter of style and taste has led to features in People Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Details, Wired, ArtNews, and the element of stories on CBS Sunday Morning, CNN, E! MSN, TLC, and most recently the host of Discovery Channel's- "Final Offer."
He has over 112k followers on social media and earned over 500 million media impressions on his last public install!
For more, visit his website here!